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International conference on Sahrawi women struggle for freedom in Nigeria

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Abuja (Nigeria), September 23, 2011 (SPS) - The President of Women's Organization of African(WAELE), Dr. Basirat Nahibi, announced Thursday, at a press conference held at the headquarters of the organisation in the Nigerian capital Abuja, that “an international conference on the struggle of the Sahrawi women for freedom” will be organised in Abuja, Nigeria, September 27-28, according to press statement distributed on the sidelines of the conference, SPS received a copy of it.


The African official indicated that the conference will be marked by theparticipation of international delegations coming from all the continents in order to "draw the attention of international and African public opinion to the tragedy of the Sahrawi women in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and refugee camps as a result of the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara."


She affirmed that "the solidarity with the struggle of the Sahrawi women comes at the core of the task and mission of the Women's Continental Organisation which stems from deep conviction that the only promotion for Sahrawi women is to obtain their freedom."


Dr. Basirat who was accompanied by the prominent leaders of the organization from the five African regions and Mr. Ubbi Bashir Bushraya, the Saharawi Ambassador in Abuja, underlined that the conference will constitute a “basis for mobilisation to get the international community and the United Nations to exert pressure on Morocco to comply with the will of the Saharawi people to freedom and independence." (SPS)

