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President of Republic express concern about Moroccan policy against Saharawi students

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Bir Lahlu (liberated territories) November23, 2011(SPS) president of the Republic and Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Wednesday, expressed his concern about “dangerous policy” committed by Moroccan Government against the Saharawi students in Moroccan universities through depriving them from their rights to learn and study

“At  13 o’clock on Monday, November 21, 2011, while a group of unarmed Sahrawi students have gathered   for nearly a month, to protest against depriving them from registration at the university of Hassan II in Casablanca and the denial of their right to education, they were attacked brutally by a group of thugs encouraged by   authorities, before the Moroccan security forces, which did not intervene to protect the Sahrawi students.” Said president in urgent message to Ban ki-moon

This Attack which means repressive operation outside any moral or legal framework, the president explained “reflects a part of dangerous policy committed by Moroccan government reach to abhorrent racism against the Sahrawi citizens, who are preventing  from their rights to self-determination and independence, and  plunders   their natural resources, but rather seeks  to depriving them from education and study

President Mohamed Abdelaziz called on Ban Ki-moon to intervene urgently to protect Saharawi students from Moroccan practices and to enable them to complete their university studies. (SPS
