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POLISARIO13th Congress reminds Rajoy of Spain’s historical responsibility towards decolonization of Western Sahara

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Tifariti (liberated territories), Dec 23, 2011 (SPS) - The thirteenth Congress of the Frente POLISARIO, celebrated from 15 to 21 December 2011 in liberated Tifariti under the slogan “the Saharawi independent state is the solution”, reminded the new Spanish government to its historical, legal, moral, and political responsibilities in respect to the Saharawi people, in a letter addressed to Mr. Mariano Rajoy, president of Spain’s new government.

“We take this opportunity to remind you of the Spanish historical, legal, moral, and political responsibilities in respect to the Saharawi people. As well as the consequences derived from the Madrid Agreement which represented the formalization of the Moroccan occupation and the starting of a long period of exile, refugee and grave violations of human rights,” said the letter.

The Congress valued the growing solidarity movement with the legitimate Saharawi cause, calling on the Spanish government to contribute to the cessation of systematic human rights violations that the Moroccan state perpetrated against our civilian population in the occupied territories as well as to contribute to the release of all political prisoners and putting an end to the plundering of natural resources of the territory.

“The growing solidarity movement with the legitimate Saharawi cause calls you to correspond to its sensitivity and the fulfilment of the international legality which establishes the respect of the Saharawi people right to self-determination. We call on the Spanish government, now more than ever, to decisively amend the errors of the past. We also encourage the Moroccan government to respect the dictates of the international legality and allow once and for all the celebration of the referendum of self-determination, through which the Saharawi people could freely express its will,” asserted the letter. (SPS)
