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MINURSO faces difficulties in fulfilling its mission, says Ban Ki-moon

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New York (United Nations), April 10, 2012 (SPS) - Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the United Nation Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) was experiencing difficulty in fulfilling its mission.


The UN chief mentioned reports on Moroccan authorities’ human rights violations against Saharawi people.


The comments were made by the UN chief in the latest Western Sahara report he submitted to the Security Council, to examine it on April 17 before the adoption of a resolution.

"My report includes a series of challenges showing that MINURSO is unable to fully exercise its peacekeeping mission," we read in the document sent to the Security Council.


To restore MINURSO’s full authority, Ki-moon urged the Security Council to support this instrument of peace. (SPS)

