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“It should be borne in mind that despite transitions within the region, the issue of Western Sahara still remains unchanged” says representative of SA to Security Council

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 New York, april26, 2012(SPS) the permanent representative of South Africa to Security council, Ambassador B Sangqu, Monday expressed regret that the Security Council of the United Nations failed to find out a mechanism to protect human rights in the occupied territories of Western sahara and to solve this problem of decolonization. In his explanation speech after the adoption by the Security Council on resolution 2044 concerns Western Sahara.

"The adoption of resolution 2044 comes at a time of uncertainty and turmoil in the SAHEL, North and West Africa and the Middle East.  It comes at a time when the people of these regions are demanding full enjoyment of their human, socio-economic and political rights.  It also comes at a time when the States of the Maghreb are moving towards closer cooperation.  It should be borne in mind that despite these transitions within the region, the issue of Western Sahara still remains unchanged."

The Security Council, he said "has taken bold steps in the last 18 months to protect the human rights of people, particularly in North Africa and the Middle East.”

“We have to ensure that the rights of the people of Western Sahara are not ignored and are equally defended with the same zeal and commitment.” 

“We are thus disappointed that once again the Security Council has been unable to find agreement to establish an international, credible, legal and permanent human rights mechanism in MINURSO.”

“It is an anomaly that MINURSO is one of the few UN mandates that does not have a human rights mandate and this double standard creates an impression that the Security Council does not give priority to the human rights of the people of Western Sahara.” He regrets, adding that   "The continuation of this trend has the potential to erode the credibility of this important body. We see no reason, why the people of Western Sahara should be treated any different."

"The selective approach to human rights by this Council, calls into question the motivation of those who have conveniently looked the other way while human rights abuses are committed in the territory of Western Sahara. "

"South Africa reiterates the indisputable fact that Western Sahara remains the last colony on the African continent, listed as a non-self governing territory by the United Nations."He said ,adding that his Country "will continue to support efforts to achieve a just, lasting and mutually acceptable political solution, which will provide for the self-determination of the people of Western Sahara."

"It is for this reason that my delegation supported the adoption of Resolution 2044 extending the mandate of the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara." South African Ambassadorconcluded.(SPS)
