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FiSahara message still that of self-determination of Saharawi people, confirms Willy Toledo

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Dakhla (refugee camps), May 2, 2012 (SPS) - The Co-director of the International Film Festival in Western Sahara (known as FiSahara) and Spanish Actor, Mr. Willy Toledo, assured Wednesday that the message of FiSahara 2012 is still the same as the first year of the festival, which is to claim for the right of self-determination of the Saharawi people.

“It is a polio-cultural festival basically based on the right of the Saharawi people to return to their homeland and trying to take this message to the whole world, mostly all over Spain to make people make conscious about what is going in Western Sahara, whether in refugee camps or occupied territories,” indicated Mr. Toledo in an interview with SPS.

Responding to a question about the affect of economic crisis on FiSahara 2012, the Spanish underlined that the money which was supposed to go to international humanitarian cooperation is lower, confirming in the same regard “the spirit and political claim of FiSahara is still the same and the people that make this festival production are also the same.”

Mr. Toledo said that behind the kidnapping of the cooperators from the Saharawi refugee camps “is purely Moroccan government,” adding “it is a strategy for Moroccan government to get the people getting fear to come here and trying to show to the world that Frente Polisario is not doing the things right.”

“I want to say to everybody to come in the refugee camps, because they are absolutely safe , there is no problem coming here, security is being doubled by POLISARIO Front, there is no risk at all in coming here,” underlined Spanish actor.

On other hand, he indicated that the Saharawi cinema experience is developing, underlying that this year there are several people participating in this edition doing photography, sound in the Saharawi cinema school in 27th School.

FiSahara, which is an annual international solidarity festival with the Saharawi people, will launch this evening in the presence of actors, filmmaking and directors from Europe, Africa and Latin America. (SPS)
