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Danish Party urges his country’s Foreign Minister Pressure Morocco to organize a referendum in Western Sahara

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Copenhagen, (Denmark), May 9, 2012 (SPS) - Member of the Parliament and the Spokesman for the Red-Green Alliance Party in the Danish Parliament has Mr. Christian Juhl, Tuesday has urged the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs.the Mr. Villy Sovendal, to exert pressure on Morocco to allow the organization of referendum in Western Sahara. According to the representation of the Polisario to Denmark.  

 The Spokesman of the Red-Green Alliance in the Parliament has asked the Minister in the parliament for an explanation of the Government’s views and actions as actual President of the European Union concerning the situation in Western Sahara.

“Danish Presidency of the EU and our international role should be used in optimal way to secure a solution” Said the Danish MP to the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs.

“It is unacceptable that this conflict after more than 35 years still unsolved. It will be relatively easy to solve if the EU use its economic position towards Morocco”

The Red-Green Alliance urges the Danish Minister to raise stronger demands  towards Morocco to fulfill the respect of its human rights obligations and to release the Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails. (SPS)
