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Polisario Front: discourse of Moroccan king “disappointing” hopes of international community (official)

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Shaheed Al hafed (refugee camps), July 31, 2012 (SPS) - The Polisario Front has described the speech of Moroccan king, addressed on Monday marking the so-called throne feast in Morocco, as “disappointing” to the hopes of international community, for its flagrant intransigence and absence of the political will to resolve the Western Sahara conflict, in a statement concluded a meeting of the Office of POLISARIO National Secretariat chaired by its Secretary General and President of the Republic, Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz.

“This speech was disappointing to hopes of the international community, which expected a serious engagement by the Moroccan Kingdom in settlement efforts,” asserted the statement, condemning what comes in the speech of a “flagrant intransigence, absence of the political will and insistence on trying to impose the de facto rejected by the Saharawis and international community as a whole.”

Office of the POLISARIO national Secretariat deplored what has been reflected by Moroccan king in his speech of refusing to cooperate with Mr. Christopher Ross, Personal Envoy of UN Secretary General, and thus obstruct the course of negotiations through determining its framework in accepting the legitimacy of an illegal military occupation.

Before this serious intransigence, the Office requested the international community to immediately intervene and exert pressures and necessary sanctions on Moroccan Kingdom to comply with resolutions of international legitimacy, halt its human rights violations as well as looting of Saharawi natural resources, immediately release Yahia Mohamed Hafed Aizaa and all Saharawi political prisoners and unveil the fate of more than 651 Saharawi missings, added the statement.

It also reiterated readiness of the POLISARIO to cooperate with United Nations efforts of decolonization in Western Sahara, confirming that the only solution to the conflict of Western Sahara is the one that “necessarily passes through the respect for the will of Saharawi people to self-determination, freedom and independence.”

Concerning the repatriation of Spanish aid workers from the Saharawi refugee camps, the Office underlined “it was better for the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Spain, Mr. Margallo, to show solidarity with the Saharawi people and calls on world to help them in the face of terrorism and accelerate putting an end to the suffering they have been experiencing for 37 years, due to Spain’s withdrawal without implementing its international obligations, which still exist, in organizing a referendum on self-determination.”

It lamented for the Spanish government’s decision to bringing home Spanish aid workers, considering it “a hasty and exaggerated decision, which negatively reflect the condition of the Saharawi refugees harm the just cause of the Saharawi people.”

The meeting was allocated for the preparation to the third ordinary session of the National Secretariat scheduled next August, in addition to the general situation at the different levels, according to the same source. (SPS)
