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RFK Center highlights success of Saharawi state to organize the refugee camps.

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 Washington, Spt 5, 2012 (SPS) -The delegation of Ropert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights has highlighted on Monday the success of institutions of Sahatawi Arab Democratic Republic in organizung the refugee camps, praising the role of the Saharawi women.


 in a preliminary report on its visit to the occupied Western Sahara and Saharawi refugee camps,The RFK Center stated  that since 1975  “Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) has established institutions to administer the camps”.


"The delegation walked freely in the camps and interviewed several people, including members of civil society and individual refugees", said the report of RFK Center.


It asserted that "the organization and the administration of the camps have brought a sense of stability and normalcy"


“The refugees are divided in five camps, Smara, El-Ayoun, 27 of February, Austid, and Dahkla. Seven small camps, administered by elected mayors and a governor, form each camp. Each camp elects their own members of parliament.”, underlined RFK Center.


"Civil society appears to be free to associate and women have a very prominent role in society and in the administration of the camp"


Furthermore,  the report asserted that "the deliegation of Ropert the organization and the administration of the camps have brought a sense of stability and normalcy".


“The parties to the conflict along with the international community have the responsibility to renew and strengthen the efforts to find a sustainable living situation for the more than 100,000 people living in the camps”, said the the Ropert F. Center for Justice and Human Rights. (SPS)
