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Polisario Front raises issue of allowing UNHCR free access to occupied Western Sahara

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Geneva (Switzerland), Sept 22, 2012 (SPS) - The issue of allowing the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) free access to the territories occupied of Western Sahara has been raised by the Saharawi delegation during the 3rd meeting of evaluation of Confidence-Building Measures (CBM) program, held Wednesday in Geneva.

This meeting recorded the participation of delegations from both sides in the conflict (Polisario Front and Morocco) and the two observer countries, Algeria and Mauritania, as well as representatives of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).

On this occasion, the Polisario Front "requested the removal of these obstacles, including deprivation of some people of their right to visit, as well as harassment and provocations during entry to and exit from the territory."

Speaking at the opening of the meeting, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres first recalled that "there is no humanitarian solution to a political problem," and expressed deep appreciation at the results of the exchange visits, seminars and encouraged the participants to continue their support to UNHCR to implement the CBM programme.

As agreed by the participants, the next meeting of assessment is announced for next July 2013 in Geneva.
