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UGTSARIO takes part at international conference in France

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Saint-Denis (France), March 24, 2013 (SPS) - A delegation of the Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO), led by Najem Shiaa, participates at an international conference under the theme “for alternative trade union action”, taking place from March 22nd to 24th in Saint-Denis, France.

Addressing the Conference, the representative of UGTSARIO Mr. Najem Shiaa expressed thanks for the invitation, recalling to the suffering the Saharawi people in occupied Western Sahara experience at the hands of Moroccan occupation, especially workers.

Mr. Najem Shiaa went on saying that the Saharawi citizens in occupied Western Sahara are subject to Moroccan intimidation, torture, kidnapping, imprisonment and show trials that lack the most basic elements of the internationally recognized justice, pointing to the recent martial trial of a group of Saharawi civilians of Gdeim Izik.

He also added that Moroccan authorities do not allow the Saharawis to set up any labour, human rights or social organization.

He finally called on the trade unions present at the conference as well as all justice and peace-loving people around the world to denounce this trial and demand their release, inviting them to show sympathy with the Saharawi people to achieve his right to self-determination and independence.

The Saharawi delegation held a range of meetings with the international trade unions present at the conference, where he informed them about the situation in Western Sahara and the latest developments there.

More than 200 delegates representing 60 trade unions from Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas are present.

It should be recalled that the Moroccan Democratic Labour Organization, which was among those who called for its organization, boycotted the conference after the participating trade unions refused to cancel the invitation sent to the Saharawi Workers Union (UGTSARIO). (SPS)
