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President of Republic concludes visit to South Africa

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Johannesburg, March 19, 2014 (SPS) - President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Mohamed Abdelaziz concluded Tuesday evening a visit to the Republic of South Africa, during which he took part at the celebrations marking the 10-year anniversary of the establishment of the Pan-African Parliament (PAP).

President Mohamed Abdelaziz participated at these ceremonies, took place in Johannesburg, along with heads of several state and government from Africa and around the world, in addition to parliamentary figures and the diplomatic corps accredited to South Africa.

Addressing the audience on Tuesday, the President of the Republic appreciated the role played by the Pan-African Parliament during the past decade to building the African Union.

He also called upon the Pan-African Parliament, the African Union and all African peoples to end an illegal and immoral situation of military occupation in Western Sahara.

The President of the Republic was accompanied by Mr. Abdati Breika, advisor to the Presidency of the Republic, Mr. Salha Al-Abd, ambassador in South Africa, Ms. Sweilma Beiruk, vice-president of the Pan-African Parliament, Senia Ahmed Merhba and Said Brahim Joumani, members of the PAP, and Al-Ouali Mousa, advisor to the SADR embassy in Pretoria. (SPS)
