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U.S. ONG voices “continuing support” to Saharawi people’s struggle

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Washington, April 22, 2014 (SPS) - The U.S. non-governmental organization Not Forgotten International has expressed, in a letter sent to the 2nd International Conference in Support of Saharawi Women’s Resistance, held on the current April 17-20 in the occupied city of El Aaiun, “continuing support and commitment” the just struggle of the Saharawi people.

“On behalf of Not Forgotten International, representing thousands of Americans who have come to love the Saharawi people and support your liberation cause, I want to assure you of our continuing support and commitment to your efforts for bringing Freedom and Justice to the Saharawi nation,” wrote Mrs. Janet Lenz, Executive Director at Not Forgotten International.

“Since our introduction to your people in 1999, our hearts have been captured, and our commitment unwavering to stand with you and for you until we can all be united in a free Western Sahara,” added Mrs. Lenz, in her letter of support to the resistance of Saharawi women.

The letter, a copy of which obtained by SPS, expressed NFI’s commitment to continue joining hands with “most worthy struggle” of the Saharawi people, as to continue raising awareness inside the United States about their plight and suffering.

“We commit to continue using our voices in the United States, to our people and to our government, to tell all that we know to be true of your people and of your suffering,” stated Mrs. Janet Lenz, Executive Director at Not Forgotten International.

It should be recalled that Moroccan occupying authorities expelled around 30 foreign participants from the airport of the occupied Saharawi city of El Aaiun, who were due to take part at this conference.

Picture from the archive: delivery to the MINURSO staff in occupied El Aaiun of the communiqué of the conference on woman’s right to resistance. (SPS)
