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Moroccan occupation faces international community pressure, struggle of Saharawi people (President of Republic)

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Awserd (Refugee Camps) August 24, 2014 (SPS) - The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Mohamed Abdelaziz, affirmed Saturday that the Moroccan occupation is facing   the pressure of the international community which adheres to the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination in addition to the adherence of the Sahrawis to this right.     


The President of the Republic highlighted during the opening of the second conference of the Sahrawi Students Union that "the occupier has failed militarily and diplomatically and currently encountering the pressure of the international community concordant on the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination as well as a greater adherence of the Sahrawi people to this right."


He emphasized that the international community is fully convinced that the only solution to the Sahrawi issue is to enable the Saharawi people of their right to self-determination, and that this question "has been protracted and it's time to resolve it and overcome the procrastination mentality pursued by the Moroccan occupier".


In order to achieve the goal of liberation, President Mohamed Abdelaziz stressed the “great responsibility” that the Sahrawi students has, calling them to raise the awareness of the people and lead them and protect the heritage of the martyrs. 


After describing the role of Sahrawi student as a “central and essential in the liberation war,” he urged them to defend their cause through their academic achievement and making use of information and communication technologies especially the social sites.


On the occasion, he recalled the phases of establishing Sahrawi Students Union, underlining that the circumstances in which the first congress was held in 1975 which was characterized by a mass uprising against the Spanish colonialism is fully similar to the circumstances in which this congress is held, where the Sahrawis live under a Moroccan occupation that pays no attention to the UN resolutions.     


The Second Congress of the Sahrawi Students Union started Saturday evening in the Wilaya of Awserd, Sahrawi refugee camps, with the participation of 500 delegates and 200 invited, under the theme “Sahrawi students movement serves the national goals”. (SPS)

