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Right to self-determination, guiding principle of Mexico (Representative Gonzalez)

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New York, Oct 8, 2014 (SPS) - Permanent Ambassador of Mexico to the UN, Ricardo Alday Gonzalez, has indicated that the right to self-determination is a “guiding principle” of his country (Mexico), emphasizing the need for a “lasting and fair” settlement to the Western Sahara conflict in line with UN resolutions.

Addressing the UN Decolonization Committee on Tuesday, Mr. Gonzalez Mexico stressed the importance of monitoring the human rights situation in the occupied Saharawi territories, adding that lasting peace should include a referendum comprising all the options necessary towards that end.

He, on other hand, reiterated the need for United Nations to remain engaged in the process of decolonization, especially within the framework of the third Decade. (SPS)
