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POLISARIO Representative received at Danish Social Democratic Party

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Copenhagen, Oct 22, 2014 (SPS) - POLISARIO Representative in Denmark, Mr. Abba Malainin, on Wednesday received at the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party of Denmark by Mr. Simon Redder, International Secretary and International Consultant.

The meeting focused on the stalemate of the UN peace process placed by Morocco to protract the resolution of the conflict in the last remaining colony in Africa, Western Sahara,

It also shed light on widespread brutal oppression against the Saharawi people and the illegal exploitations of the territory’s resources that finance and support the illegal occupation of Moroccan.

The Saharawi Diplomat emphasized to his interlocutor that the Danish Social Democratic Party and the Danish Government can play a leading role with other International actors in the EU and in the UN to ensure the respect of human rights in occupied Western Sahara, through enabling MINURSO to get a mandate to monitor and report about human rights situation in the territory and exert more pressures to speed up the self-determination referendum in Western Sahara.

The Social Democratic Party and the Social Liberal Party are leading the actual coalition Government in Denmark. (SPS)
