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Moroccan occupying authorities “violently” intervene against peaceful sit-in of unemployed Saharawis

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Occupied El Aaiun, January 5, 2015 (SPS) - Moroccan occupying authorities “violently” intervened on Saturday, against a peaceful sit-in organized by the local coordination of unemployed gradual Saharawis, in front of the headquarters of what is called Moroccan Union of employment in the occupied city of El Aaiun.


The coordination has announced since its inception, that it will organize a peaceful demonstrations to demand the right to direct employment, as a guaranteed right in all international covenants and treaties signed and ratified by Moroccan State.


The unemployed Saharawis demanded the occupying Moroccan State to enable them from all their legal rights as the right to direct employment and the right to gather and organize peaceful demonstrations, and to benefit from all natural resources of Western Sahara that Morocco is plundering.


Local coordination of unemployed gradual Saharawis has issued a statement, from which it announced that it will hang on its right to direct employment and to continue peaceful struggle, confirming its rejection to all Moroccan suspicious attempts and efforts that aim to stop their peaceful and legal struggle. (SPS)


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