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Algerian Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs recalls Algeria’s consistent position on peoples’ self-determination through referendum

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Algiers, March 29, 2015 (SPS) – Algerian Minister for Maghreb and African Affairs Abdelkader Messahel recalled Saturday in Algiers, Algeria’s consistent position, supportive to the principle of peoples’ self-determination through the organization of referendum.


During a meeting with UN Secretary General’s special envoy for Western Sahara, Christopher Ross, on tour in the region, Messahel stressed "the imperative of serious handling of issues related to human rights and the illegal exploitation of natural resources in Western Sahara territory."


The meeting focused on "the evolution and prospects" of Western Sahara question in advance of its examination by the UN Security Council in April.


Messahel also evoked the latest statements and releases of the European Union, the European Parliament and of the African Union Peace and Security Council which highlight the principle of the "diligent" implementation of UN relevant resolutions and the UN Security Council.

In this regard, he recalled the "central" role and the "first" responsibility of the UN in completing the process of decolonization of this territory, inscribed on the list of non-autonomous territories of the UN.


In this spirit, he stressed that Algeria "will continue to provide support "to UN efforts and the Secretary-General's Personal Envoy. (SPS)

