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At least 40 people injured in Moroccan violent crackdown on Saharawi demonstrators

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El Aiun (Occupied Territories) April 15, 2015 (SPS) - At least 40 people were injured on Tuesday following a violent intervention by the Moroccan occupying forces against Saharawi demonstrators in the occupied city of El Aaiun, capital of Western Sahara, said a right source from the city.

The violent incident took place in parallel with the visit of a delegation of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to the occupied territory of Western Sahara.

“Moroccan repressive forces carried out a violent attack on the demonstrators belting stones at the Saharawi citizens’ houses, especially in Matalla and Daddach neighborhoods,” stated one of the victims.

The demonstrators were to call for the establishment of UN mechanism to observe and protect human rights situation in occupied Western Sahara.

Following is a preliminary list of the victims obtained by SPS:

Ahmed Al-Hamya, Toubali Abdelhay, Ghali Bouhalla, Aziz Haidan, Said Waaban, Taghi Al-Machdoufi, Ahmed Ahaimad, Mahmud Lahwaidi, Abba Cheikh Bahaha, Mohamed Salem Bani, Al-Wali Ahl Abba, Fatimatu Dahwar, Najat Ajnaibila, Mariam Al-Bourhimi, Bachri Bataleb, Zainabu Ludiki, Abaiha Haddi, Salman Brya, Agzahra Lagraid, Leila Lilli, Um Asid Haddad, Musa Lansari, Kabarra Babit, Fala Chtuki, Tumana Dida, Bnaijara Salmbuha, Mahfuda Lefgir, Lkentawiya Babit, Aicha Babit, Dahba Sidamu, Ragia Hawasi, Ngia Mohamed Lamin, Sid Brahim, Izzana Amaidan, Maluma Abdallahi, Sukeina Saadi, Sweilma Larusi, Salima Limam, Al-Khalil Al-Ballawi, Teslem Daoudi, Salha Boutengiza, Al-Koria Daf, Al-Mahjub Al-Bad and Um Fadli Jawda. (SPS)
