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Algerian political forces renew support for struggle of Saharawi people

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Boumerdes (Algeria), 9 June 2015 (SPS) - Several Algerian political forces reiterated on Saturday their support for the just struggle of the Saharawi people for freedom and independence during speeches at the closing ceremony of the work of the VI edition of the Summer University, in Boumerdes, Algeria.


The presidents of the political parties have unanimously expressed Algeria's support for the just struggle of the Saharawi people.


President of Future Front Party Abdelaziz Beleid affirmed that the Algerian people support all the just causes in the world including the Saharawi because they had experienced colonialism, oppression and freedom.


 For his part, President of the Algerian National Front Tuati Musa pointed out that his country is not against the Moroccan people but against the expansionist ambitions of the Moroccan regime, its repressive practices against the Saharawi people and its policies aimed at destabilizing the region through drugs smuggling and organized crime.


The Secretary General of the National Organization of Children of the Martyrs, Telleb Hauari, underlined the firm position of support for the just Saharawi cause.


Member of the Central Committee of the Liberation Front Party of Algeria, Sadeg Bugataya, said his country that affords a million and half martyrs cannot tolerate continuation of the crimes committed by the Moroccan occupation against innocent Sahrawi people.


The Summer University of executives of the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), took place on July 25, and bore the name of the Saharawi martyr "Hassan Elouali" under the slogan "The Moroccan policy in the region: expansion, drug promotion and instability."


Over 400 executives, including members of the Government and representatives of the Polisario Front and the Saharawi people in the occupied territories participated in the Summer University, it should be recalled. (SPS)

