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Polisario Front Representative Intervention to the UNGA Fourth Committee

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New York(United Nations), October 14, 2015 (SPS) - The Polisario Front representative to the United Nations, Ahmed Bujari on Tuesday  has intervened before the Fourth Committee of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly.

The Sahrawi diplomat began his intervention saying, “As you know, Morocco has militarily invaded our homeland in October 1975 in blatant violation of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, the United Nations General Assembly and the Security Council resolutions relevant to.”


Bujari went on saying “16 years of the signing of the peace agreement under the auspices of UN and African Union, the Saharawi people are still waiting to be allowed to choose between independence or to join the invading Moroccan state.”


“Despite the presence of UN mission MINURSO, Morocco still brutally violates human rights, commits genocide and loot the wealth of the Saharawi people” he added in his intervention.



“By this I mean, Mr President, that the UN is facing a Shakespearean dilemma,to be or not to be, Or may not be consistent in the search for peace and the principles and resolutions that have defined this conflict as a decolonization problem.” The Sahrawi Representative to UN closed his intervention. (SPS)


