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The establishment of friendship Committee with Saharawi people in Florida

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Miami(USA), October 21, 2015 (SPS) in the city of Miami, Florida State has announced on Monday the establishment of friendship Committee with Saharawi people in the presence of Polisario Front representative in WashingtonMr. Mohamed Yeslam Beisat , and held its first meeting and elected its executive bureau.

Rumbera Network for Radio and television has hosted the meeting which was attended by many journalists, Artists,Clergyman, professors, and businessmen.

In this regard, Plan of action was approved for the coming three month includes many solidarity activities and visits to the region and the political, media action in favor of the Saharawi cause in Florida..

 At the end the participants elected an executive bureau included the following names:

Napolitano Gianfranco: honorary president

Brodrick Zerpa: president

Edgar Eduardo Prada: Vice-President

David Suarez: Vice-President

Wiliam Grosso: treasury

George Cardenas: spokesman

Miriam Bustamante: secretary of the committee.

