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Occupation authorities violently disperse Saharawi unemployed demonstration

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El Aaiun(occupied territories), December 08,2015 (SPS) - The Moroccan occupation authorities have violently dispersed a peaceful demonstration organized last Thursday by unemployed gradual Saharawi regional coordination in the city of Laayoune (in the occupied territories of Western Sahara), leaving several serious injuries, according to sources from the Ministry of the Occupied Territories and Community Abroad.


Demonstrators were carrying copies of their diplomas to express their opposition to the policies of marginalization and chanting slogans denouncing the Moroccan delay and exclusion policy against them, Added the same source.


The intervention of the police and Moroccan security forces left several victims, among which are:

Mohamed Ali Al-Idrisi, with injuries to his right knee

Said Al-Ayachi, with stomach injuries

Abd-Al-Ansari Alali with head injuries, the right hand and back,

 Ahl Al-Hassan Taleb, with wounds in various parts of the body

Sidahmed Lefkir with injuries on the right leg

Mohamed Babeit, on various parts of the body


In this regard, the Coordination expressed "strong condemnation of this cruel intervention of the Moroccan forces of repression and reaffirmed its commitment to continue the struggle to achieve their legitimate objective of decent work for its members." (SPS)


