FLN reaffirms its steadfast positions toward Sahrawi people and its just cause
Algiers, October 29, 2024 (SPS) - The Secretary-General of the Algerian National Liberation Front (FLN) party, Mr. Abdelkarim Embarek, has reiterated the firm and supportive stance of the party regarding the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination and independence, stressing that the Sahrawi issue is a case of decolonization and the last colony in Africa, during a seminar organized by the FLN at its headquarters, attended by a distinguished group of university professors to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the glorious November 1 Revolution.
The Secretary-General of the FLN party also touched upon Algeria’s foreign policy, which consistently advocates for the causes of peoples fighting for their rights, particularly the just causes of the Sahrawi and Palestinian people. He emphasized that Algerian diplomacy derives these honorable positions from the principles and values of the November 1st Revolution and from the struggle and sacrifices made by the Algerian people for their freedom and independence, despite the suffering, genocide, repression, and persecution inflicted by French colonialism on the Algerian people.
The seminar was attended by the Sahrawi ambassador to Algeria, National Secretariat member Abdelkader Taleb Omar, who praised the struggle and sacrifices of the Algerian people for the independence of Algeria, which has become a haven for the free and a destination for revolutionaries. Thanks to this, many colonized peoples in Africa and Latin America have gained their independence.
The ambassador pointed out that the May 20 Revolution in Western Sahara is an extension of the November 1 Revolution in Algeria, and that the Algerian Revolution is a source of pride and a testament to the struggle of peoples for life, aspiration, and self-confidence in pursuit of a dignified life.