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Sahrawi children received  special welcome in Spanish region of Aragon

Sahrawi children received  special welcome in Spanish region of Aragon

Huesca (Aragon) July 20, 2024 (SPS) -  The Sahrawi children in the city of Huesca were given this week a special reception by the municipal authorities and councils, after their arrival as part of the "Vacation in Peace" program.

The reception ceremony was attended by various components of the Huesca municipal authorities, including the Mayor, the municipal council, the Alouda Association in charge of the "Vacation in Peace" program, and representatives of some entities and solidarity activists with the Sahrawi cause.

The Mayor, Ms. Lorena Orduna, expressed her deep welcome to the children among the host families, expressing the depth and nobility of the message they carry from their people and their just cause.