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41st EUCOCO: President of Republic calls on Spain to assume historical responsibility towards Sahrawi people

VilanovaiLa Geltru (Spain), 18 November 2016 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, called on Spanish state to assume its historical responsibility towards the Sahrawi people by achieving the decolonization of Western Sahara, in a speech at the opening of the 41st European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi people.
In the speech delivered on his behalf by the President of the National Council, Khatri Adouh, the President of the Republic stated “We look forward to seeing the Spanish state assuming its legal and moral duty towards our people by achieving expeditiously the decolonisation of Western Sahara. Spain is still, and perhaps more than ever, part of this problem that cannot be barred by any statute of limitation; it started in the past but it is still an integral part of the present”.
“We are not opposed to relations between Spain and Morocco in all fields, but it would be a heinous crime if the price to be paid would be more conspiracy against the blood, sweat and suffering of the Sahrawi people.”
“Spain of 2016 is not Spain of 1975, and there is no justification for not correcting this error because the democratic transition will remain incomplete as long as the Spanish state has not removed the stigma represented by the infamous Madrid Accords. The new government and the new parliament are called upon to act seriously to end the tragedy of the Sahrawi people by means of a referendum of self-determination. If Spain manages to do this, which it is able and legally bound to do, it will achieve a historic reconciliation with itself and with its history, and will contribute to the triumph of justice, democracy and peace,” added the President of the Republic in the speech at the opening of the 41st European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi people. (SPS)