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Ministry of Information holds its annual conference 2016

Chahid El Hafed, November 02 2016 (SPS) - Ministry of Information has held its specialized conference under the theme "specialized conference on Media ... towards the set up of training policy in information field" at the Media Archive, with the presence of the Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar and minister of Information, Mr. Hamada Salem as well as cadres and staff of the Ministry of Information.
Speaking in the conference, Prime Minister emphasized on the importance of the training in the field of information in spreading the just cause of the Saharawi people in the world and in facing the Moroccan misinformation about our noble struggle.
For his part, minister of information in his intervention to the audience, stressed on  the significant role that the training can play in developing Sahrawi national institutions in general and reinforcing national media discourse.
It worth mentioning here that  the Ministry of Information is working this year to resume the work of the Institute of "Basiri" according to a new perspective for the advancement of the national media discourse to keep up with the evolution witnessed in the field. SPS