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“CJEU excludes Western Sahara goods from EU agreements with Morocco” (MEP Florent Marcellesi)

Gran Canarias, February 03, 2017 (SPS) – the MEP of EQUO and Europa Verde Florent Marcellesi met in Las Palmas with the President of the Port Authority, Luis Ibarra, to discuss the details of the passage of the island of the Key Bay freighter with fish oil from the occupied territory Of Western Sahara.
Florent Marcellesi, as a member of the Maghreb delegation, recalled that the EU Court of Justice in its last ruling excluded the goods from the Western Sahara in the trade agreement with Morocco and recalled that the Canaries have a strategic role to enforce European law.
Equo MEP Florent Marcellesi, has denounced on 14 October the passage of the freighter Key Bay through the Port of La Luz and Las Palmas with fish oil from Western Sahara to France , Which violate the last ruling of the EU Court of Justice, which recognizes that the occupied territory of Western Sahara does not belong to Morocco and that the marketing of its products must be authorized by the Saharawi people.
It should be recalled that MEPs Florent Marcellesi, Josep-Maria Terricabras and Jill Evans called on the European Commission to exclude the energy produced in Western Sahara from the agreements with the Moroccan occupation. SPS