Copenhagen International Conference on Western Sahara issue calls for the decolonization of the last colony in Africa
Copenhagen (Denmark), November 03, 2016 (SPS) - the Danish capital of Copenhagen has hosted on Wednesday, an international Conference on the Sahrawi issue organized by the Afrika Kontakt and the majority of youth of the Danish parties, in which a number of experts, specialists, political figures, journalists and representatives of associations and civil society organizations from United States, France, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Denmark .took part.
The intervention during the conference focused on three main themes: the issue of Western Sahara and international law, human rights violations and illegal exploitation of natural resources in order to put the Saharawi cause in the priority of the political agenda for the Nordic countries.
In her intervention, Sahrawi well-known human rights activist Aminatou Haidar, talked about the Moroccan practices which violates international norms and conventions, stressing on her personal experience with the forced disappearance along with hundreds of Sahrawis in the secret hideoutsof Morocco, and on the precarious situation of Saharawi political prisoners in Moroccan prisons especially Gdeim Izik group, political detainee M'Barek Daoudi and the state of Sahrawi militant Sukaina Jadahlu.
She went on saying that the occupied territories of Western Sahara are living under tight siege and media blackout, pointing out that Morocco still continuing its systematic policy in preventing foreign observers, activists and journalists from entering in the territory, presenting with evidence and numbers several documented cases of Moroccan state violations of human rights.
The conference also witnessed various interventions such as the intervention of Mr. Kurt Mosgaard, former commander of MINURSO in Western Sahara, Mr. Pedro Pinto, Secretary General of the International Platform of Jurists for East Timur, Mr. Carlos Ruiz Miguel, professor of constitutional law at the University of Galicia, Mr Manuel Davis of Frente Polisario lawyer team before the European Court of Justice, Ms. Aminatou Haidar, human rights defender, president of the Collective of Sahrawi human rights Defenders, and Mr. David Makyin representative of the Center Robert F. Kennedy for Justice and human rights, and Mrs. Anna Brahmsen head of youth Nordic Council, and Mr. Eric Hagen, a member of the Western Sahara Resources Watch, Mr. Morten Nielsen, a member of the Organization of Afrika Kontakt.
To be noted, a Sahrawi delegation participated, consists of Ms. Aminatou Haidar, president of the Collective of Sahrawi Human Rights Defenders, Mr. Abba Malainin Frente Polisario representative to Denmark, Abba Haissan President of the Sahrawi Committee for Human Rights, Jalihenna Mohamed Mustafa international secretary of Saharwi students Union (UESARIO).SPS