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7th Summer University Of Polisario Front: Participants send message of gratitude to President Bouteflika

Boumerdes August 23 2016 (SPS) - The participants in the 7th Summer University of the executives of the Polisario Front expressed their sincere thanks and gratitude to President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika for “all the interest he granted to this event which opened broad prospects to the Sahrawi executives to reinforce their experience in the building of the Sahrawi State’s institutions.”
At the end of this 7th summer university which wrapped up Monday in Boumerdes, the participants sent a message of thanks to President Bouteflika for “all the interest and attention that he granted to this event which opened broad prospects to the Sahrawi executives to reinforce their experience in the building of the Sahrawi State’s institutions.”
“At the end of our 7th summer university, we would like to extend our sincere thanks and express our deep gratitude for the efforts that you have made for the success of our scientific event which is an opportunity for reflection on a cause of liberation, to raise political and economic issues in relation with the developments at the regional and international levels,” wrote the officials of the 7th University of the Executive of the Polisario Front.
“The interest granted to the summer university, the easiness of its holding and your constant concern to ensure the smooth running and the success of this event show the importance of this sign of solidarity and the role it plays for the creation of a space of participation and exchange of experiences to meet the aspirations of our two peoples and countries, which is not unusual for you Mr. President,” they said.
They added that “all the oppressed people find in you and in your country the strong support as well as in the values of the glorious revolution of 1st November, the best example of fight. You are the haven of peace of the oppressed people and all those who call for justice and the Sahrawi people recognize Algeria’s role for the triumph of the peoples’ legitimate rights.” SPS