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Polisario Front reiterates willingness to cooperate with UN SG and his Personal Envoy

Shaheed El Hafed, May 16, 2016 (SPS) - The National Secretariat (SN) of the Polisario Front reiterated its willingness to cooperate with the United Nations Secretary General and his personal envoy to find a peaceful solution ensuring the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination.
In a statement sanctioning its second ordinary session held Sunday chaired by Prime Minister Abdelkader Taleb Omar, SN reaffirmed its attachment to the legitimate rights of the people of Western Sahara and confronting by all means the maneuvers and stubbornness of the Moroccan occupier.
The Polisario Front denounced the decision of the Moroccan occupier to expel the political component of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) following the visit of the UN SG of in the region and the liberated territories of SADR and the crisis that followed the expulsion in the Security Council and the United Nation.
This decision is a flagrant challenge to the UN Charter and the Security Council's prerogatives, estimated the SN, saying it requires the most severe sanctions because of its risks to peace and security in a region threatened by instability.
It called for the immediate return of the political component of MINURSO and allowing it to carry out its primary mission, namely the organization of a referendum for self-determination of the people of Western Sahara.
The National Secretariat of Polisario Front noted with interest the debates at the level of the Security Council on the question of Western Sahara, which confirms the growing attention of the international community to this cause and increases the isolation of the Moroccan occupation. (SPS)