Weeklong tribute to Sahrawi political prisoners in Brussels
Brussels, May 10, 2016 (SPS) - A weeklong tribute to the Sahrawi political prisoners and their determination to struggle for right and justice is organized since Monday at the Université Libre de Bruxelles by the Belgian committee of support to the Sahrawi people.
Placed under the theme “Western Sahara, spark of the Arab spring,” this week was inaugurated by a photo exhibition entitled “Gdeim Izik, the camp of dignity-tribute series,” a photo report produced by amateur photographer Anthony Jean.
His photos, exhibited Monday in Brussels, show Gdeim Izik camp erected in October 2010 by the Sahrawi population to call for the respect of their social and economic rights in the legal context of the occupied territories of Western Sahara, waiting for a referendum on their self-determination since 1991.
They also highlight the Sahrawi population’s determination to fight until the satisfaction of their claims, like a photo showing a rushing wind in the Sahrawi people’s tents, testing their resistance.
“This exhibition has been organized to remember a strong moment of the struggle of the Sahrawi people who, under the suppression and in the absence of any reaction from the international community, are leading a strong revolt,” said the head of the European Conference for Support and Solidarity with the Sahrawi People (EUCOCO) Pierre Galand at the inauguration of the weeklong tribute to Sahrawi political prisoners.SPS