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Campaign in Denmark against illegal investments in occupied Western Sahara

Copenhagen (Denmark), 19 April 2016 – Danish banks and pension funds should not make the occupation a good business for Morocco.  "Drop investments in Africa's last colony”, “Don’t support illegal occupation”, “#DisinvestSahara and stop the theft,” written, among other things in the flyers and on the banners in street action organized by Afrika Kontakt Organisation activists on Monday in Copenhagen in front of Scandic Hotel, where JØP held their general annual meeting.
The activists handed out flyers and reports that tell of how Lawyers and Economists Pensions fund (JØP) invests in occupied Western Sahara.
Many of the delegates, who came from everywhere municipalities, universities and Trade unions, accepted the flyers and the new report that Africa Kontakt has released recently. The report documents that JØP and 26 other major Danish banks and pension investments in companies that extract natural resources in occupied Western Sahara.
Afrika kontakt has launched recently a campaign against illegal Danish investments in occupied Western Sahara.
AK started its campaign by unveiling its report, street actions making awareness of the Banks and pension funds that invest in companies exploiting illegally in occupied Western Sahara and followed by launching an online petition calling customers whose banks and Pension funds are implicated to sign and to tell their Banks and Pension Funds; that their money should not be used to enrich an occupying power.
Western Sahara is Africa's last colony and the exploitation of natural resources in an occupied territory is contrary to international law. Danish investment is thus helps to legitimize the occupation, prolong the conflict and refuse Saharawis access to their own resources. Therefore Africa Contact recommends dropping investments in companies doing business in Western Sahara. (SPS)