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"We support Saharawi people's cause until independence" (Spanish civil society, political parties)

Madrid (Spain), April 16, 2016 (SPS) - Hundreds of Spaniards representing organizations and political parties backing Saharawi people expressed Saturday, in Madrid, their "unfailing  support" to the Saharawis, who have been struggling against Moroccan occupation, for more than 40 years, to "recover independence and their basic rights in line with the international legality."
"We support Western Sahara cause until its independence," said the friends of Saharawi people (organizations and political parties) in a rally outside the headquarters of the ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Western Sahara's friends, speaking under a torrential rain, said Saharawi people must "recover their independence and all their basic rights within the framework of the international legality."
Chanting "Morocco culprit, Spain responsible," "Human rights abused in occupied Saharawi territories," "Let's avoid war in Western Sahara" and "Set free Saharawi political prisoners," Spanish civil society (people and elected officials) focused on the "need for the United Nations to find an urgent, just and definitive solution to Western Sahara conflict, which has gone on too long,  to put an end to the sufferings of Saharawis, who have been living under Moroccan occupation's suppression for many years."
Eurodeputy Paloma Lopez, also chairman of the European parliamentary group backing Western Sahara people, told APS that "Saharawi People should have the right, as quickly as possible, to decide on their future through a referendum on self-determination." (SPS)