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Sahrawi people are waiting for United Nations to fulfill its promises and implement its resolutions

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Sahrawi people are waiting for United Nations to fulfill its promises and implement its resolutions

New York (United Nations), 14 September 2024 (SPS) - Sidi Mohamed Omar,  member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Representative of the Polisario Front at the United Nations, emphasized that what the Sahrawi people expect from the UN is to honor its promises and implement its resolutions regarding the Sahrawi issue, particularly those related to the right to self-determination.

This came during an interview the Sahrawi diplomat conducted with Sahrawi national television on Saturday from New York via Skype as part of the "Event Program."

The interview addressed the escalating scorched earth policy and land confiscation being pursued by the occupying Moroccan state against the Sahrawis, as well as the current session of the UN General Assembly and the presence of the Sahrawi issue as a decolonization matter on the agenda of the General Assembly and its relevant bodies.

Regarding the situation of the UN peace process and its prospects, the representative of the Polisario Front at the UN noted the decision to reconsider participation in the peace process made by the Polisario Front on October 30, 2019, which marked a pivotal decision wherein the Sahrawi people declared a complete break with a process that has become shrouded in ambiguity due to the Security Council's inaction and the obstinacy of the occupying Moroccan state, which continues to rely on maintaining and "legitimizing" the state of occupation.

Concerning the efforts of the personal envoy of the Secretary-General for Western Sahara, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, the Sahrawi diplomat stated that it is possible to "see some movements from him before the Security Council meeting by deepening his communication with both parties to the conflict," while also recalling the stance expressed by the occupying Moroccan state following the personal envoy's visit in April, which, he said, indicates that it "lacks any genuine political will to move towards a fair and lasting solution."

In conclusion, the Representative of the Polisario Front at the UN affirmed that regardless of the nature of political developments in some major capitals and whatever form the decision from the Security Council may take, the constant element in the equation is the Sahrawi people, who are committed to their right to exist freely and independently and are determined to continue their liberation struggle by all legitimate means to achieve their non-negotiable goals of self-determination, independence, and sovereignty over the entire territory of the Sahrawi Republic.